Home | Africa Property | Acsa on the doorstep of acquiring advisory tender in Ghana

Acsa on the doorstep of acquiring advisory tender in Ghana


State-run Airports Company SA (Acsa) is finalizing a deal to advise the operator of Ghana’s main airport on the construction of a new international terminal, with funding from the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA).

The proposed deal to advise Ghana Airports Company on a new terminal at Accra’s Kotoka International Airport would be Acsa’s first major project in Africa. The company plans to increase revenue from nonaeronautical services to 53% by 2020.

The consultancy talks follow a memorandum of understanding signed last year between Acsa and its Ghanaian counterpart.

Acsa derives about 37% of its revenue from non-aeronautical operations and the rest from tariffs charged to airlines. The tariffs are often contested, with little agreement between the regulator and Acsa on the appropriate levels...

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